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Home » Private Traumatic Stress Services. A.R.T & PTS Research at USF » Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART)

Accelerated Resolution Therapy (ART) is an approach developed by Laney Rosenzweig for short term recovery from trauma, fears, and phobia. ART is being used to reduce the intensity of trauma, emotional eating, sports related performance anxiety, specific fears and phobias ranging from fear of failure, public speaking, to the fear of dogs or flying. This approach is founded in established psychotherapeutic techniques and is currently being studied at the University of South Florida (USF) through a 2.1 Million dollar grant through the Department of Defense (D.O.D.) for use with combat Veterans. Dr. Diego is a consultant for this study and is a certified ART provider personally trained by Laney Rosenzweig.

The focus of an ART session is on the strong emotions associated with memories that individuals are motivated to have changed. ART has demonstrated success at reducing the emotional intensity of difficult and painful memories as well as reduce the frequency of thoughts surrounding those events.

Your ART session begins with a free phone consult followed by one or two ART sessions that tend to last about an hour.   ART does not involve hypnosis, but most individuals report feeling relaxed and relieved state of mind following an ART session

More information on ART please visit Laney's website:


For questions about ART or to schedule your ART session

please contact Dr. Diego at 813-418-7868



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